December 2011

Teen’s life placed in jeopardy after taking Yaz® birth control

A 17 year old teen says that taking Yaz destroyed her life due to a blood clot which reached her lungs.

Tylenol Liver Damage Lawyer

Increased acetaminophen intake causes liver damage

Taking more than the recommended dosage requirements of Tylenol pain relief medication each day can lead to liver damage according to recent studies.

Fosamax Femur Fracture Lawsuit

Fosamax® femur fracture lawsuits continue against Merck & Co.

Fosamax, also known as a bisphosphonate drug, was designed to aid in strengthening bones in patients that have been diagnosed with osteoporosis.

Tylenol Liver Damage Lawyer

Tylenol® liver damage lawyers seek compensation for victims

Many complaints have been filed against the major drug company Johnson & Johnson, alleging that the main ingredient used in Extra Strength Tylenol®, known as acetaminophen causes liv

Actos Bladder Cancer Lawsuit

Centralized Actos® litigation

The U.S.
